Manifest Anything you want — The Law of Attraction.

Anil Blaze
5 min readJul 5, 2021

If we use our thoughts properly, we will get what we want. But we think we will become what we want, if we think so or if I think so, the question arises in our mind. Whether we become what we think??????? The obvious and clear thoughts and feelings!!!!!

“What you think you become, what you feel you attract, what you imagine you create.” — Buddha.

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We all have the same thought that, if we think so we will become anything, some people say that in a satirical way.

Thoughts are the thoughts in our mind and Feelings are the feelings from our heart, both should match correctly.

Ex — Suppose in my thoughts, I want to become a scientist. But my feeling in my heart says I think I will become nothing. I am reducing the power of myself by thinking like this. My thoughts and feelings are the opposite.

Law of attraction and Quantum Physics.

The law of attraction is our topic but why quantum physics came in between you all are thinking?????? The subject is a bit complicated, and the subject is somewhat closely related to Quantum Physics.

Before getting to know about the law of attraction, that means you need to know something. Let us learn a little about quantum physics, The study of tiny particles and atoms that are invincible to our eyes is quantum physics.

Recommended Book — The Secret.

If we think about Albert Einstein, we usually remember E=MC2. This means that Energy can become matter, and matter can become energy. The matter is what is visible and has a shape to it. Every matter has an energy that is invisible to the eye. According to quantum physics energy has a waveform. As well as for our thoughts there will also be waveforms. These waveforms vibrate with a frequency. Whenever these two objects, the vibrations, and frequencies match these two come close.

An example we all know here is when we make a call to mobile, like the radio station frequency and the frequency in our car matches and the song plays, etc.,

As well as our thoughts are visible, but it has an energy to it. To understand the energy of our thoughts, we should know this. Your body is very active and energetic when you are in a positive mood. We work better than on normal days. Same if you are in a negative mood, do not work all day, and spend time lazily. So, there is energy to the thoughts in our brain, through this you can find out.

Coming back to the law of attraction, we are aware of this concept, the more we think about most is what we get. Most of us have a laid-back attitude, we think that our work will be done, and we spend some time thinking to work done. But realize that the work has not yet been done. We are missing here because a task should be considered more than just thinking it should happen. Whatever you want to attract you have to feel it and, we have to keep our full concentration and focus on it. Then we can attract what we think.

“What you constantly think and feel about, and consistency focus on you attract into your life.”

Not just thinking, if you feel what you want to attract you will get it. There is a say in quantum physics,

Like vibrations attract the same like vibrations.”

This means that the two energies vibrate at the same frequency, both attract each other. Every matter visible to an eye has energy, it vibrates at a frequency. Similarly, the same object vibrates at the same frequency the two objects get attracted to. Similarly, if we have a positive idea and feel a positive emotion, based on our positive feelings we create a positive environment, we attract good conditions. Also, if we think of negative ideas and feel negative emotions, we will attract to negative situations.

Two examples for this, when we meet some people there is a positive feeling, if we are happy then we would talk with them even longer, some of them have a negative vibe when we meet them. When we are in the same bad mood at the same time when we meet them, we are also attracted to negative vibes, and we behave the same as them. Another reason is that some people bring negatives with them, they take it wherever they go. Do not want to see how positive life is. The longer they see the negativity. Their focus will be on negativity only. They mostly attract negativity. The conditions for them are almost the same.

Also, you may have a doubt now, I think about positive thoughts, but I feel negative feelings, or I think about negative thoughts, and I feel positive feelings some even think like that. In these two, laws of attraction do not work, which means you can’t get positivity if you think like that.

A good example for this, if you think when I have no money, I think I need money, but I think the money will come, but will not come because our thoughts think that money should come, but we are feeling because we do not have money. Because our feelings work more than our thoughts, we feel that there is no money, we cannot attract money. Therefore, we fail in the law of attraction.

So, we must think that we have money in our thinking, and we should feel that we have enough money. If you do not have money but you must feel that you have more money. Only then the law of attraction works. The Law of attraction is all about attracting what we think is definite. If we understand it correctly and use it correctly. However, our scientists understand the law of gravity and sending a rocket into space, also if we understand the law of attraction, it will work for us and help us to attract what we want.

The law of attraction means not only in thoughts but also in our feelings. We want to have, whatever we want. We should feel like it is there. It does not come immediately; definitely, it comes if we practice.

“If you can imagine it in your mind, you can experience it in Reality”.

